Wednesday 14 November 2018

November classes cottage

 Jean Wallace
 Jean Ward

Two watercolour studies of the croft exercise.

Alison experimenting with acrylics and the palette knife in the foreground.

Margaret leaves some areas smooth and creates texture in the foreground to bring energy into the work.

 Yvonne has some quiet areas of smooth paint and other lively areas with texture, the colour creates a strong dialogue with the viewer.

Angela's subtle yet effective use of the palette knife and brush. While the bright yellow creates light and interest, this is predominantly a moody scene.

Carole uses the palette knife boldly to create texture, the use of colour is very strong and works well with the texture. 

Ivan creates a strong painting with confident palette knife and brush work. The colours are nicely arranged and not over bright or too strong.

 Glynis creates plenty of interest in her painting with the carefully painted mountains, cottage and delightful flowers within the green grass area. Her sky is very dramatic and there are some nice touches of bold yellow and blue within the storm clouds coming in. 

 Gill creates a gentle landscape with a croft sitting happily within the sunny landscape, the use of colour works very nicely in this charming contemporary piece. 

 A new Alison ( we have three Alisons!) has joined our class and she is working away here on a small canvas. 

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