Wednesday 20 May 2020

Welcome to Painting from Home

Greetings Girls and I hope you are all keeping well and are busy painting and tending your gardens.  Here is Wallace Bear! Our traveling companion when driving around the highlands a few years ago. I remember this day so well, we were up along the coast not far from Gruinard Bay. A fine day for being out and about, just look at that lovely blue sea and golden sand!

Once again many thanks for your beautiful paintings from home. Good to hear from you! It looks like by towards the end of next week Lock down will be less restrictive and we may be able to go to garden centres and play golf!! Do take care everyone and remember your social distancing!

Now for some paintings! Click on the images to see them at a large size.

Angela has been very busy painting indoors, the walls of her guest house! So no time for her own artwork, but she is very happy to share this beautiful painting of a bird she did at class.  She used fiber pens and the effect really is very realistic!

Carole's beautiful painting of her dog Poppy was from a photo. Really well painted and I must say the blue towel really does suit Poppy so well! I like the simple background that sets off the main colours of the dog and the towel so nicely.

Alison Macdonald has been inspired by a photo of her family holiday in Harris.  Here is a fine beach view. The top painting has been created using watercolours. Very nice use of strong colours and contrasts. While the colours are strong they are very natural looking.  Alison then decided to try the scene again using coloured pencils, natural colours again and that lovely blue sky sets off the drawing perfectly. It really is so interesting to see these lovely works side by side. I do like them both very much and the drawing is also very nicely done. Those could be an early evening and morning take on the scene! Well done!

This fine Spring weather has Susan busy in her garden along with her new friend, the little wild rabbit that lives near her wood pile. The tame little rabbit happily eats the grass while Susan gardens, hope the rabbit doesn't take a liking for the flowers once they come up!!
When taking a wee break from the garden Susan carries on with her new project two new Monet's! Using acrylics on canvas.  I just love the colours in these beautiful paintings. Well done!

Here is Vera's delightful Deeside croft beautifully painted in watercolours on paper.  Very nicely done and those trees are so well painted. 

Here we are again at sea! with Margaret's lovely painting of a lighthouse. Bridges and lighthouses are a favourite painting subject for her.  This painting captures the joy of standing by the beach, the sea breeze, blue sky and sea, while boats and birds float by. The lighthouse is really nicely painted too. Well done!

Yvonne's serene and beautiful watercolour painting of a Lewis landscape.  I feel very peaceful when viewing this scene.  Love the gentle watercolour wash of sky and the delicate hills in the distance. 

During Sandra's walk around Gordon Castle she came upon this bonny gal!  This is Sandra's third attempt at using pastel pencils, I think you will all agree she has done a grand job indeed. Lovely work!

Avril's beautiful delicate flower painting using pastel paintings on tinted paper.  The petals are very realistic and so fragile looking. Well done Avril.

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