Tuesday 2 June 2020

Paintings and a bear

Hello Girls from a past holiday at Falkland Palace, Fife.  I thinking about this castle the other day as it really is such a lovely place.  I often find myself thinking about past holidays these days and what special times they were.  That feeling of freedom of wandering about here and there. Surely in the future we will have those times again, I hope.

Thank you for the fine works for the student blog.  Keep painting,  drawing and being creative girls.

Looking forward to seeing all of your fine works here soon.  Please email images through to me. Thank you!

Avril has been incredibly productive during the lockdown, knitting, making cards and here is a  cheerful message for you all! She made this very fine Teddy for the children's Corona virus teddy hunt! Well done!

Here is Avril's pastel portrait of a cat, lovely work and look at those beautiful eyes! Nice fur too which is always difficult to portray well.

Yvonne was inspired by the Hawthorn that has blossom during April to June.   She took a photo of a tree in bloom and played around with her watercolours to create a pretty imaginative vision on her paper. Delicate and romantic!

Elaine's beautiful bird coastal painting, those chicks are adorable!  She was working on this painting for a long time getting in all of the fine detail.  Well done!

Sandra's super painting of  a happy holiday down at Pittenweem visiting the arts festival.  This is such a cheerful and uplifting painting, beautifully done in acrylics using the sharpie pens for the nets.

Alison Murray's lovely acrylic painting of Alaska!  That deep blue sky against the snowy mountains works perfectly. Good shadows on those mountains. The mid distant trees really sit well back and the foreground trees are very nicely done. I think the water is really good, just the right tone, lighter than the sky! Well done!

Carole's very fine painting of her garden! Where she has been spending a lot of time caring for it so well.  I do love those red poppies in the foreground.  Good work!

Finishing today with Margaret's stunning painting!  After Bob Ross.  Excellent trees and the tonal values are really good in this scene.  Good work!

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